SUNY Canton Hosts American Red Cross Blood Drive, Feb. 14-15

Canton, NY (02/08/2024) — In addition to chocolates and flowers, SUNY Canton encourages the campus community to consider donating a special red gift to help save lives.

The American Red Cross is now scheduling appointments from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wdnesday, Feb. 14, and Thursday, Feb. 15, in the Richard W. Miller Campus Center room 212. Prospective donors are encouraged to schedule a donation through the American Red Cross website or the Blood Donor app.

Online students, remote faculty, family, and friends can also participate in the college's virtual blood drive by scheduling their donation through the college's unique link. Virtual appointments allow participants to donate at any Red Cross drive in the United States.

SUNY Canton recently achieved Premier Blood Partner status for its work with the American Red Cross, according to the college's Director of Wellbeing Programs & Initiatives, Farren C. Lobdell.

"SUNY Canton takes great pride in contributing to the mission of the Red Cross and ensuring that vital blood is readily available for those in need," Lobdell said. "We typically receive tremendous support from our extended community at our on-campus blood drives, making them an important component of our outreach. We encourage those who are able to consider donating during our February blood drive."

The American Red Cross is experiencing an emergency blood shortage as the nation faces the lowest number of people giving blood in 20 years. Blood donations are needed immediately to help alleviate the shortage and ensure lifesaving medical procedures are not delayed. The donation process takes about an hour. One donation can save up to three lives.

About SUNY Canton

As Northern New York's premier college for career-driven bachelor's and associate degrees, SUNY Canton delivers quality hands-on programs in engineering technology, management, and healthcare fields. It is home to the Center for Criminal Justice, Intelligence and Cybersecurity. Faculty members are noted for their professional real-world experience in addition to outstanding academic credentials. As SUNY's leader in online education, SUNY Canton OnLine offers hundreds of flexible and convenient courses as well as 23 online degree programs. The SUNY Canton Kangaroos 15 traditional athletic teams compete at the NCAA Division III level as part of the North Atlantic Conference. SUNY Canton also features varsity esports and cheerleading.

Media Attachments

SUNY Canton recently achieved Premier Blood Partner status for its work with the American Red Cross. The college's next blood drive will be held Wednesday, Feb. 14, and Thursday, Feb 15, in Richard W. Miller Campus Center room 212.