SUNY Canton Celebrates Student Emergency Medical Services Volunteers

Canton, NY (11/09/2022) — SUNY Canton is celebrating its dedicated student volunteers during National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week.

There are currently eight active members of the college's EMS squad, according to Richard (R.J) Thayer, director of student affairs technology, who serves as the advisor for the student-led program.

"Our students provide high quality, professional, pre-hospital emergency medical services to our students, staff, faculty, and visitors," Thayer said. "They respond to all medical emergencies on our campus 24 hours a day throughout the academic year."

SUNY Canton EMS also provides standby services for large-scale events, and fundraising opportunities, in addition to disaster relief and recovery. Some of the students also assist other agencies within St. Lawrence County as needed. They also were among the volunteers to assist with on-campus COVID-19 testing following the pandemic.

"Our students are providing a valuable service to our community," said Courtney B. Bish, vice president for student affairs and dean of students. "They have been able to decrease the call volume to off-campus emergency agencies and assist with after-hour emergencies. If you see one of the members of our campus squad, please join me in thanking them for their service."

Bish has previously presented the student organization with a service award. The organization also received the "Roosponding Award" presented by SUNY Canton President Zvi Szafran. It has also received recognition from the college's Student Government Association. Nearly 100 students have volunteered for the program since it first began in 2016.

Collegiate EMS Week takes place during the second full week in November. It was modeled after National EMS Week, which is held in May, and is sponsored by the American College of Emergency Physicians and endorsed by Congress. The week-long recognition and celebration of campus-based EMS provides an annual opportunity for campus-based organizations to highlight their activities and educate their communities.

The EMS program will be hosting a series of training sessions throughout the week, including Hands-Only CPR training from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily at locations across campus. At 2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 11, the organization will be recognized at a women's hockey game against Hilbert College. SUNY Canton is also featuring SUNY Canton EMS President Tyler H. Fuentes, a Homeland Security major from Monroe, in its weekly People Like Me student highlight segment.

In addition to Fuentes, SUNY Canton EMS members include:

For more information about the organization, including how to join, visit the SUNY Canton EMS website.

About SUNY Canton

As Northern New York's premier college for career-driven bachelor's and associate degrees, SUNY Canton delivers quality hands-on programs in engineering technology, management, and healthcare fields. It is home to the Center for Criminal Justice, Intelligence and Cybersecurity. Faculty members are noted for their professional real-world experience in addition to outstanding academic credentials. As SUNY's leader in online education, SUNY Canton OnLine offers hundreds of flexible and convenient courses as well as 23 online degree programs. The SUNY Canton Kangaroos 15 traditional athletic teams compete at the NCAA Division III level as part of the North Atlantic Conference. SUNY Canton also features varsity esports and cheerleading.

Media Attachments

The SUNY Canton Emergency Medical Services (EMS) squad has been recognized for providing exceptional support to the campus community during National Collegiate EMS Week. Pictured (l to r) are Yvan Nelson of Queens, Tyler H. Fuentes of Monroe, Ryan A. Duester of Baldwinsville, Abigail M. Rivera of Bayside, Darren J. Greene of Lindenhurst, Mary D. Townson of Elmira, Allison P. Lashway of Hudson Falls, and Jodie E. Soltau of Cranberry Lake.